Top k Largest Numbers II

Implement a data structure, provide two interfaces:

  1. add(number). Add a new number in the data structure.
  2. topk(). Return the top k largest numbers in this data structure. k is given when we create the data structure.

Solution: Create a min PriorityQueue stores only k numbers. If new number is greater than the smallest number in the queue, poll the smallest number out of the queue and add the new number in.


public class Solution {

    private int k;
    private Queue<Integer> q;
    public Solution(int inK) {
        this.k = inK;
        q = new PriorityQueue<Integer>();

    public void add(int num) {
        if (q.size() < k) {
        if (num > q.peek()) {

    public List<Integer> topk() {
        List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int x : q) {
        Collections.sort(result, Collections.reverseOrder());
        return result;

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